Sunday, October 7, 2007

eXpress on

There's not much to say except after adding my previous posts and reading thru them, I've realised that I aint too good at eXpressing myself thru writing (or at writing itself).

eXpress on the Dance floor

Grease Liiiiiightning!!

No matter how my day has been, one thing's for sure- dancing will bring my spirits up(a lot depends on the dj and the music). Sad, angry, frustrated, happy- gimme good music and space to dance, I'll be like a man(or woman) who won a lottery.

Who needs alcohol, when you can get high on music.

I've always had friends who enjoy moving and grooving. So getting company on the dance floor hasnt been too hard. We can go on and on and on for about three to four hours at a stretch (again I must point, all this depends on the DJ and his music). If you look at it, a DJ is capable of even spoiling your night. Imagine- all geared to groove and then he starts to play 'coco jambo' and you're wondering if you're at a disc or at some children's camp. All your expectations down in the drain and you wonder what option to take:
a. dance like you enjoy it
b. sit down and whine about the music
c. ask (i mean, BEG) the dj to change the music
d. walk out though the boys have paid quite a bit for cover
(Option 'd' has never happened in the last four years I've gone dancing)

A typical day at work, I've got my headphones on, listening to some 'groovy' music, want to dance but cant- what do I do? The next best thing after tapping my fingers and shaking my head, I imagine myself dancing. The best part about doing that is I can imagine myself do steps I know for sure that I cant do for real. :D

A Misconception about dancing- ask someone to dance and they say they dont know how to dance.
We're not asking you to do the salsa. Dancing is moving to the music in anyway you like to do so. You could be kicking your legs in the air (to the music and not to hurt anyone) and that can be called dancing. I typed 'what is dance' on google and here's what i got :

Refers to movement used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual form;

2. The one I love most "
an artistic form of nonverbal communication" - An amazing definition!! An artistic form of eXpressing yourself...

Note: here's another result I came across for the same search '
Dance is also a road that can that can quickly lead to injury if the body is not treated properly.' *Ouch*

eXpress on Board

I aint a fan of empty boards.

During school days, I always felt the need to contribute to writing on the board. My hands would always go up when the teacher needed a student to write something or even if she didnt, I'd do the usual 'no. of students present or absent.' As I grew older, it seemed kiddish to count the number of students, so I found quotes to write on the board. I must point that it was greatly appreciated by teachers (though I wonder if any of my classmates bothered to read 'em.)

Years have passed and I have moved on... Moved on to better things like scribbling on white boards. At work, everyone's got em by their tables. As I mentioned earlier, "I aint a fan of empty boards" (that stands true for white boards as well). Some people like to leave it sparkling white but then we would not be completing its purpose if we didnt add something to it. So I take the initiative and dress their boards with the best thing I know... My name!! :) If I have a fancy pet name for them (which would most likely embarrass them), then I wouldn't mind putting that down.

I take every opportunity I have to scribble something or the other on someone's board (empty or not- I just need some space to make a difference). Adding to that, I have to force friends not to rub em off. Guess noone values true art!

If you're wondering about the condition of my board, all I can say is that if anyone else wishes to do the same for me, they wont find the space. :D

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

eXpress on Paper

As a child, eXpressing myself on paper was the easiest (after crying, of course). To be honest, I really didn't need paper- the walls or couches would do. Those lines and curves, I'm certain could not be understood by the adult world but it sure held a lot of meaning to one who only muttered 'ga ga goo goo' most of her day.

Growing older (and wiser), elders such as my teachers, parents and sister were always trying to find ways to change or improve the way I worked on paper. Me being the stubborn lil one, refused to learn for I was content with my princess with 6 strands of hair, sticks for hands and legs and a triangle for a dress. She looked so pretty below a blue sky with 2 or 3 clouds, a bird (shaped as a 'V') and a lil grass 'ere and there.

A few years later, I was eligible to enter a colouring competition. Smarties (a colourful chocolate) was holdong a competition across all schools and there was so much excitement. I was so confident that my years of learning (10 to be precise) would help me win but unfortunately, there were those who were more talented.

That didn't bring me down for I continued eXpressing myself through sketches (influenced by my big sis). That got me somewhere- an A+ in my art class. My creative side was also shown on the school boards with the charts I prepared (with a lil help from my mummy dear).

I have noticed that a lot about our character can be told through our the way we draw or even our handwriting. And one things for sure, there is no consistency in my work. Inconsistent behaviour, usually does not suit for paintings as detailed as the Mona Lisa, etc. So, I've found a way to eXpress myself in an inconsistent manner- through cartoons and stick figures.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Art In My World

What is the first thing that pops in your head at the sound of the word 'Art'?

Some would say a drawing or a painting while another would talk about music, dance or acting as a form of art and yet another would imagine photography. Each of us have been touched by the beauty of art, no matter what form it may take. It has allowed us to eXpress ourselves in creative and yet meaningful ways.

And through this blog, I wish to share those forms which eXpress me best!

"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection
- Michelangelo